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Skills Applied and Learned

Even if it sounds boring, writing most of the white-paper that was going to be read and corrected by experts in the area, was quite challenging because I needed to be accurate, concise and avoid mistakes as much as possible. My research took me to find hundreds of sources and to come to conclusions that were later developed even more by the experts. I was also in constant interactions with some of the experts to develop the full first-draft, which was very interesting.

It was also quite interesting to take part in the meetings of these experts that are also important members of the Spanish community, the CEO and CTO of a successful company, the Director of many programs in the UPM, experts in one of the most important Spanish Law firms (Cuatrecasas), important members of the Union and Confederation of Employers. Just by sitting there and watching them discuss and argue this very interesting topic was an enriching experience.

I also improved my usability testing skills, by designing the tests and performing them with multiple members of the company, including top executives.

Project Idea

Research on the effect and impact of new and existing workplace monitoring technologies on the relationships between employees and employers and how they will be affected by the new GDPR laws. For the development of this white-paper (available here) a team of experts on the different areas involved on this topic was assembled. The team included members from BICG the company promoting the research that works in the industry of Company-Experience improvements, members from the UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) experts in AI, Machine Learning and other technologies, members from the Spanish Confederation of Employers' Organizations, members from UGT (General Union of Workers), members from the College Technical Officer Telecommunications Engineers and finally lawyers experts on Labor and GDPR laws. With this group of people, it was possible to analyze the subject in-depth and develop a white-paper that gives some recommendations on how to approach projects related to workplace monitoring. The company also developed a software for the monitoring of employees.

My Contribution

As an intern of BICG and UPM, I took part in all of the meetings and was in charge of the research of the new and existing technologies, and how they work. I was also in charge of researching cases of both success and failures in this area, with a specific focus on legal cases in Europe. As the intern of the group I was in charge of writing most of the first draft of the full document, that was then checked and corrected by the experts. I also planned and performed multiple usability tests on the software designed by BICG.

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