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Ar valley

Value Proposition Canvas
Project Idea

An AR Application that will help people when they go outdoors to identify mountains, lakes, etc. and make hiking routes to them. It will also help them to create meaningful videos and slideshows created from the pictures and videos from their travels.

My Contribution

My teammates and I went through the whole process of getting the idea and then brainstorming on what would be interesting to do with it. Then we developed a questionnaire that we sent to friends and from that, we came up with the Value Proposition Canvas that you can see on the left; with that, we also created a User Journey Map. The project ended with the creation of a high-fidelity prototype from which you can see some screenshots on the left. We divided the screens between us, and I combined them all into one final prototype.

Skills Applied and Learned

I practiced brainstorming and coming up with a meaningful prototype after working in a team and following the answers from the questionnaire. I also learned how to use JustInMind for the high-fidelity prototype.

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