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SOcial gaming

Project Idea

The idea was to create a system that motivates interactions between users. This was a more research-focused project for which a prototype was developed to prove the feasibility of the idea but it wasn't the end product, hence the very basic visual design.

The idea consists of an application designed for newcomers to universities. The application was designed based on multiple theories on how to motivate strangers to become closer quickly. Three games were designed for this, the users should scan each other's QR codes to get connected and play the games together.

The first one consists of asking questions to each other to find out something personal about the other one, like favorite movies, characters, etc.

The second one consists of a maze, both users complete the same one, it's based on a theory that says that if two strangers do the same gestures they become closer to each other more easily.

The last one is another game of guessing the other's favorite song and it's based on the fact that music brings people closer together and you also learn a personal fact about the other person.

My Contribution

I programmed the full application on Android Studio using the OSC protocol for communication between devices. I also helped with the research and ideas for the different games.

Skills Applied and Learned

Java programming in Android Studio and academic research

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