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Baseball cage simulator

Project Idea

A video game that simulates a baseball batting cage, combining the use of three different sensors. An accelerometer to estimate the speed with which the ball was hit, an ultrasonic sensor to estimate the position of the bat to know if the ball was successfully hit, and an infrared sensor to gather the moment when the ball was hit, matching the moment the infrared light was blocked by the bat.

My Contribution

My team partner and I both worked on the design and programming of the video game. We divided the work between the communication with the sensors through a microprocessor and the UI. I focused mainly on the UI and how to translate the data received from the sensors into a coherent game. But we both helped each other and learned from both systems.  We both also worked on the hardware, soldering and making filters for the sensors' data to be received properly.

Skills Applied and Learned

The UI was designed with Processing in Java, using some of the many libraries available for the software. The communication with the sensors was programmed with Embedded C into the microprocessor. the communication was transferred through USB to the computer.

batting cage.gif
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