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Welcome to Madrid

Project Idea

A phone application that helps new students when they arrive into a new city in this case to Madrid, this was a class project where we needed to develop a low-fidelity prototype, a high-fidelity prototype and a video prototype. This was to learn how to go from an idea to a final working prototype.

My Contribution

As a class assignment, we all shared the work quite equitably. We started by doing a navigation map on how we thought the application should work; then after defining the key aspects we started to develop the paper prototypes for two different tasks. We tested them with users and improved them for the high-fidelity prototype developed using the software JustInMind. We divided the screens so each of use developed different screens and then we combined the whole interaction. We then finished by developing a video prototype. You can see all of it on the left and below

Skills Applied and Learned

I learned how to create a paper prototype and how to properly test it, it is a very useful tool for developing a final product quickly. I learned how to use JustInMind which is one of many software available to develop quick high-fidelity prototypes without the need for coding. And I learned the usefulness of a video prototype to sell the idea of a product, a very important skill that I've learned and think is very useful, storytelling is crucial to sell and to promote a project.

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