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Project Idea

The idea of the class was to go through a Design Bootcamp looking to redefine existing Map's Applications. To do this, each of the 4 team members conducted a critical incident interview on 2 people about a time when they used a map application. After this we wrote down the interaction points extracted from these stories, then we did peer introspection between each other to get even more stories. Then we did a breakdown analysis of these stories and created more interaction points. We proceeded to create a User Profile, two Personas, and one Extreme character and finally a Use scenario, all based on the data extracted from the interviews and breakdown analysis. From these interaction points, personas and user-scenario, we brainstormed as many ideas as possible that could be implemented. We then proceeded to do a video brainstorming where we would quickly try to show some ideas in videos to further expand on them or come up with more ideas. Then we came up with the Design Space and we did some web searches for similar solutions to our ideas. The next day we chose the ideas that we thought made more sense as a group, we paper prototyped them and then we analyzed them to come up with alternatives. We then did an Interaction Table analysis where we took each object and find out the interactions and results of them and then we took each interaction and found out which and how they affect the different objects, this helps to come up with even more ideas. We came up with our Design Diagram and prototyped some more taking into account the alternatives and changes that came up before.

Finally, we did a storyboard of the whole use scenario with the purpose of showcasing our prototypes. The next day, we shot the storyboard and made a Video Prototype, we then proceeded to show it to other teams and gathered feedback from them in a Design Walkthrough. We then came up with improvements and worked on our first Poster (below). The next day we did a Generative Walkthrough where we tried to break down our ideas to see where they fail and see if we can correct them. Afterward, we proceeded to storyboard again to shoot more scenes and change some of the previous ones, taking into account all of the improvements gathered in both walkthroughs. Finally, we improved our poster and shot the new scenes and presented both the poster and the final video prototype to our classmates.

My Contribution

As the whole process of the Design Bootcamp was so fast-paced and tight (it was only 1 week) we all had to work on everything, especially taking into account that it was a team project where everything needed to be talked about. The only real moment where we separated the work was when we paper prototyped, that each prototyped two of the ideas. As a team member though, I believe I was in between really discussing the ideas but at the same time trying not to get hung up in discussions that would make us lose time.

Skills Applied and Learned

This kind of Design process is what I am really interested in and really like. I improved my teamwork skills, I learned new brainstorming techniques and ways of challenging preexistent ideas and coming up with new ones. I also practiced and improved my storytelling skills. This kind of process should be applied in every company when coming up with a new solution for any kind of product or service.

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