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My Contribution

I was the main proponent of the idea and of the technology. I edited the video, did the voiceover, helped with the script and directed the production.

Skills Applied and Learned

Video Editing with iMovie, Voiceover, writing, directing and programming in JavaScript.

Project Idea

The idea was to raise awareness of the way politicians use populist rhetoric to appeal to the masses. And especially how easy it is to fall for them. For this, we based our story on a futuristic city where the problems and easy solutions would appeal to young students and academics (the system was intended for a University Expo).

The system consists of an interactive video where the person who's watching it has to make decisions (with gestures using a leap motion or by pressing y for yes or n for no) based on typical political campaign situations (rally, debate, etc.) and typical political campaign contributions (buy a hat, volunteer, etc.) and in the end the system makes a decision based on the answers of the user to indicate if he/she fell for the populist candidate or not.

Depending on the answers, the next video has populist or non-populist rhetoric. After the Expo and showing it to different people we realized many possible changes to improve it even more, for example, put an intermediate result and more clearly define the two paths.

The project can be seen in its entirety on the link under the pictures.

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