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Fifa 18 information visualization

Project Idea

The project consisted of using a large database with the information of all the players in the game FIFA 18, extracted from Kaggle. ​The idea was to show the data in five different ways, with the purpose of being able to choose the best players and teams in the game.

Skills Applied and Learned

I learned how to program in R Studio and how to use large datasets and properly visualize the data so that the users can achieve their purpose. This is a very important skill in this new world where "data is the new oil".

My Contribution

My two teammates and I divided the work amongst the visualization techniques. I took the choropleth Map which was the most difficult and my teammates each took two others. I had to try many different libraries from R Studio to be able to develop the final product. The dataset was cleaned for useless values and organized by countries to be able to show them, then it was ordered by the selected attribute of the players to show the top three of each country when any country was clicked, also the average of each country for the selected attribute was calculated and shown in the color scale shown. I also helped my teammates with their techniques as well as they helped me. The other techniques used were (as can be seen on the left) a radar chart comparing any three of the top 100 players in the five selected attributes; a scatterplot comparing the price of the top 100 players to a selected attribute and position; a circular bar plot showing the best clubs for the selected attribute, and finally a word cloud of the most used words on the Wikipedia pages of the top 10 players.

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